Invest with Purpose


Specialized advice for Free Trade Zone companies:

Our FREE TRADE ZONE (FTZ) practice is the most reputable and influential in Costa Rica. Comprised of highly specialized attorneys, our FREE TRADE ZONE team is exclusively dedicated to advising FTZ companies in every industry. This working group provides expert advice to international companies investing in sectors such as Life Sciences, Service Industry, Information Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, and Light Manufacturing, among others. In conjunction with the firm’s many areas of expertise, we provide comprehensive legal services for our FREE TRADE ZONE clients in all areas of law.

FREE TRADE ZONE Projects (Turn-Key Basis):

Through project management tools BLP provides a turn-key solution, where we take care of the client´s needs from the moment they decide to invest until the date they are fully authorized to carry-out their activity, handing over the full package of legal, permitting and registration requirements to operate. Our turn-key solutions includes, among others: i) incorporation of legal entity; ii) advice and application for the FREE TRADE ZONE, iii) real estate matters, iv) environmental viability for the project, v) labor advice, vi) immigration services, vii) operating permits, and business licensing processes, viii) health product registration, precursor use permits or authorizations for dangerous goods. Once operational, BLP provides ongoing support and legal advice for the company´s day to day needs.

Experience in the FREE TRADE ZONE sector:

Our FREE TRADE ZONE team leaders are active in the most relevant FREE TRADE ZONE chambers, such as the Costa Rican Free Trade Zone Association (AZOFRAS), the Costa Rican Chamber of Exporters (CADEXCO), and AMCHAM, which provides them with first-hand knowledge on the FREE TRADE ZONE sector opportunities and challenges. They contributed to the creation of the FTZ legal framework and regularly write articles on issues and developments in sector.

For more information visit our LinkedIn profile

Recognitions & Awards: 
  • Law firm of the year by Chambers & Partners
  • Law Firm of the Year by International Financial Law Review (IFLR)
  • Elite Firm” by Latin Lawyer
  • “Highly ranked” by the Legal 500
  • Bandera Azul Ecológica
  • Carbono Neutral
  • Pro bono Leading Light Central America by Latin Lawyer

Selected Clients
Accenture Amazon Baxter Healthcare BDC Travel Bosch Brightstar Cardinal Health Cognizant Edwards Lifesciences Flex Heraeus JLL Kuehne Nagel Medtronic National Instruments Nelipak Neustar Rawlings Smith & Nephew Swarovski Syniverse Uber Uniform Advantage Zollner