Invest with Purpose

Critical Thinking

The willingness to question ideas

Developing multidimensional logical
and analytical skills

Costa Rica is implementing an ambitious curricular reform that emphasizes critical thinking instead of memorisation. It is also giving increased importance to the command of foreign languages and soft skills. This initiative has great promise as a means of engaging students as more active learners and ensuring they gain skills that are more relevant to society and the labour market.

The emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking is vital in a modern economy like ours, and reflects the kind of higher-level competences which should come to the forefront in upper secondary education, at a stage in learning which goes beyond basic skills.

Beyond the economic argument, critical thinking matters because it contributes to people's wellbeing and to democratize societies.

of PMP professionals

work in the IT industry—the largest percentage for any industry in Costa Rica. (PMI, 2018)

of companies

note digital transformation among the top critical success factors for value generation (KPMG Corporate Services Survey Costa Rica, 2020)

of the companies are implementing Business Intelligence technologies

ensuring that the data is leveraged to establish a well-informed basis for decision-making (KPMG Corporate Services Costa Rica, 2020).

of companies pointed business intelligence

as the most strategic process in terms of level of sophistication among digital technologies implemented within the services sector (Vital Statistics Survey, CINDE, 2019)

Problem Solving' ranks as the #4 soft skill demanded by life sciences companies in Costa Rica

Along with 'Analysis' in 7th (Vital Statistics Survey, CINDE, 2019)

Analysis' ranks as the #3 soft skill demanded by manufacturing companies in Costa Rica

Along with 'Problem Solving' in 7th (Vital Statistics Survey, CINDE, 2019)

Analysis' ranks as the top 2 soft skill demanded by services companies in Costa Rica

Along with 'Attention to detail' in 7th and 'Problem Solving' in 8th place (Vital Statistics Survey, CINDE, 2019)

Critical Thinking conections

Critical Thinking Pioneers

future Thinking

Committed to innovation to drive business success

Learning has been a cornerstone of our society since 1870 when education became free and mandatory. We will continue to invest where it matters the most: our people.

We embrace challenges, learn rapidly and welcome opportunities. A nation governed in peace with a solid long-standing democracy that stands behind health, education and the pursuit of self-development.

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