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EPI: Center for Interactive Education Emerges as an Innovative Human Talent Preparation Alternative in Leading Companies

EPI: Center for Interactive Education Emerges as an Innovative Human Talent Preparation Alternative in Leading Companies

  • CINDE and BDS are partnering to create state-of-the-art educational tools to cultivate human talent and improve employability.
  • The educational model combines contents to create learning paths aimed at building skills and knowledge in high demand.

San Jose, Costa Rica. June 10, 2024. EPI (Educación Profesional Interactiva) is the product of a partnership between CINDE and the firm BDS Asesores aimed at delivering human capital training solutions in the competencies, preparation, and skills in high demand in the market.

CINDE has announced this effort as part of its initiatives promoting the highest priority area of its vision: talent. EPI (Educación Profesional Interactiva) is an innovative training alternative with pertinent learning paths in high demand for strategic sectors of the economy. It also aligns with global trends that enhance the efficiency of company operations and open up more opportunities for human resources to further their professional and personal growth as well as their employability.

To this end, EPI offers professional advisory and training tools directly to companies that work steadily at strengthening their human capital.

“We are committed to helping to close gaps between demand and Costa Rican human talent. This partnership is part of our organization’s primary pillar: talent. We are knowledgeable of these opportunities to strengthen the Costa Rican talent of local and multinational firms that are opting for better corporate performance and increasingly more specialized staff,” said CINDE managing director Marianela Urgellés.

BDS Asesores managing partner Marco Durante noted that “our 27 years of knowledge of the regional and multinational business environment and its talent management, added to our two decades of professional education programs throughout Central America, have enabled us to visualize, together with CINDE, the tremendous value of an initiative such as EPI. We are looking to directly contribute to the development of companies and their human capital. We also firmly believe in the opportunity to collaborate through EPI on meeting the country’s huge challenge of generating human talent while, in this field, we continue from now on to be the companies’ closest ally in their growth.”

EPI focuses on company staff training and enhancement through fully digital, completely updated content in high demand. It also partners with international accreditors that provide digital certification of the knowledge that is acquired. Finally, it provides evaluations in artificial intelligence environments to measure the teams that have used the educational tools.

Talent is the Major Challenge Ahead

According to World Economic Forum and IMF data, employers estimate that 44% of workers’ skills will change in the next five years, while the IMF itself warns that public and private sectors should work together on implementing flexible, accessible training methods for displaced workers in order to transition at scale to jobs of the future.

“The Work of the Future report estimates that 34% of companies should provide their employees with reskilling and capacity-building; this is the only way they will be able to increase available talent, at least from now to 2027. There is no escaping that reality for Costa Rica and Central America and EPI comes as a “synergy epicenter” that adds value in a simple way to management of the region’s processes of business ecosystem training (upskilling, reskilling, evaluation, and certification) adapted to each country’s realities,” added Urgellés.

Learn more about this talent initiative at

CINDE offers expertise and strategic guidance for investment, business development, and promotion of talent initiatives in Costa Rica. Thanks to its more than 43 years of working with multinational firms and serving as a key player in the investment ecosystem, CINDE has developed dozens of talent promotion initiatives as a key element in the Costa Rican business climate.

BDS Asesores is a firm with expertise in labor law that for more than two decades has been developing courses, educational partnerships, and online learning platforms. Over the course of its history, its work with multinational and domestic companies has enabled it to accumulate knowledge of labor market needs.